
Welcome to Keep Calm and Relax.This website was inspired by the profound and insightful wisdom of courageous people throughout the ages. Historically events and circumstances that can cause us stress, have remained surprisingly unchanged. These words are my interpretation of how the inspirational philosophy of yesterday can be a positive influence on how we cope with tomorrow. I have woven my thoughts on coping with difficult times and how to survive them around the wise and wonderful words of great men and women.

Do get in touch if you agree or disagree with anything I have to say. I don't have answers just my thoughts and the thoughts of wise men and women that might just make you think differently.

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Entries in Change (1)



No matter how many times you have tried and failed, you can always start again; life is a journey that comes full circle so that when you think something is ending, you could equally be standing at the start of something new.  Jonathon Huie wrote “Celebrate endings for they precede new beginnings”.

Failure leaves a long legacy and much as we yearn to start afresh memory makes us resist, continued failure makes it feel like we are setting off down the same familiar road to disappointment.

 Disenchantment with an old plan can create the energy for change. Martin Luther King wrote “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability but comes through continuous struggle”.

Change is about action and reaction; we do not seek to change the gentle ebb and flow of annoyance in the rhythm of an otherwise contented life. However a life punctuated by disaster and disillusionment motivates even the weakest of us to strive for change. Changing the way we did things in the past gives us a second chance to get it right, so dropping the weight of whatever did not work, influences our decision to change expectations, change goals and change direction. Become stronger, push harder, because nothing is sure, except to know that if we do not change everything will stay the same. 

Title quote by Victor Frankl